Persuasive Writing

Eco Flag

Come and see the greatest Eco school in Carmarthenshire. Our excellent, extremely Eco friendly school is definitly the most pround and successful Eco school in the whole of Wales and is definitley one to visit, and definitely deserves an Eco flag. We also have a very litter free school and have an amazing Eco council too.

In our Eco school we have our very own Eco code. There was a competition in September to see who in year 5 and 6 could replace the old Eco code. Our Eco code is six rules that everyone reads and follows. As well as our Eco code, the Eco council has put up posters saying things like 'turn the taps off' and 'turn the lighs out'. Everyone follows this, and that saves money and and water, and saving the batteries on the computers and laptops and ipads too.

Also, we have a weekly competition, which class is the greenest. All classes should turn their taps off and their lights off and put stuff in the right bin, in order to get awarded the greenest class of the week award. The Eco council go around lunch time to check that every class has their lights off, rubbish in the right bin and make sure that they haven't left their taps dripping. By the end of the week one class gets a certificate saying 'Greenest class of the week'.

About three times a year PCSO Eleri and PCSO Alice come to our school and we go out to the village to go litter picking. We do this because some people throw their rubbish carelessly onto the ground, and that's really bad for wildlife because if they eat this rubbish and waste the animals could be sick or even die. So we help by clearing up other peoples mess, even year 1 and 2 go out litter picking with the PCSO's. It is fun.

Our school is very close to Alltwalis wind farm and last year we we went there to learn about wind turbines. We learned a lot about green energy which is what the wind turbines produce.That's why we turn our lights off when we leave a room and stuff because we have to save energy and electricity so that the world stays green.

In our school we have made a mini bug house, where lots of bugs live, where they don't get eaten. Also, we plant vegetables, we have apple trees, potatoes and stuff like that. So instead of buying fruit and vegetables with chemicals in them, we grow organic. And we have lots and lots of trees, we have baby trees and big trees, and that means more oxygen in the world, and we've never cut one of these trees down.

On our school yard we have a very systematic, exellent buddy system. Only year 5 and 6 are buddys and there are four buddies every day, and just in case of illness we have three subs.The buddies make sure that everyone is safe playtime and everyone has someone to play with. If anyone is left out, the buddies will either play with them themselves or ask someone to play with them.

We recycle paper, cardboard, pencil sharpenings and more, so we are saving the planet by reusing everything we can, and also, on the blue bins, we have stickers saying 'recycling bin'. We also serve lunch to the elderly people of the community, and it gives them a chance to get out, on Wednesday and chat while having roast dinner, pudding and tea or coffee served to them by the children.

So, as you can see, we are a very Eco friendly, very caring about our surroundings, and really want an Eco flag. We'd be like a dolphin jumping over the waves if you give us an Eco flag, but if you dont give us the Eco flag our school will be like a miserable wet November weekend. Our exellent instituition will be happy, happy, happy if you give us the Eco flag. I hope that you agree with us on behalf of having an Eco flag.

By Saba