Tom Gates Excellent Excuses

This is such a fantastic book and it is read by nearly all young boys from age six to ten. Tom is a hilarious character who calls his grandparents THE FOSSILS, because they are very old and ancient.

His parents and teachers say he has a lack of concentration but he says he is very concentrated now on which biscuit to eat first. Tom Gates is very good at making excuses because one day he said a dog attacked him and bought in some broken up pieces of paper with words on instead of his homework. Tom has a friend called Derek and they are in a band together. Derek plays the keyboard and Tom plays the guitar and they are practicing to be very good. They’re looking for a drummer to join the band and hold an audition but in the end the only person who turns up is Norman who gets hyperactive when he has sugar, but turns out to be an excellent drummer. He joins and so Tom and Derek have to practice more to be as good as him.

Tom’s granddad really likes the band and their first gig is in the lounge of the block of flats where he lives. The whole block of flats come and it is a great success. Tom’s Head teacher is very proud of them because he gets a call praising them.

I read this book in one day because it is so gripping, and the small pictures on every page help you understand what is going on.

Five star book!!!