Last week in microsociety, we have been specifically focusing on profit and loss. So what is profit and loss? Well, an example would be if you bought a pen-lets say one pound,. You could sell it for 2 pounds. If you did, then you would of made a profit of 1 pound, i know this because you do the price you sold the item for minus the original price. On the other hand, yo could of sold the pencil for 50p. That is less that the original price, therefore you would have made a loss of 50p (50-1 pound is a negative number which makes it a loss). So during our trading time, a group were selling an item. Many people did not like the item which resulted in people wanting a refund. Although, some people had another idea of gaining more stoof- our currency- by selling it for more than the original price. Or they could choose to lose stoof by selling the original item, for a much cheaper price.

So, yo would lose some stoof which nobody wanted to happen to them so they thought of asking our prime minister to make an acception for refunds or just gain more stoof by selling more.

What would YOU do?



by Lora