
Microsociety week 5

This week in microsociety we discussed the powers our goverment have and how to create new laws. Also we talked about how we could take the Prime Minster and law enforcement out of Goverment. We decided we should be able to vote them out when at least 1/5 wanted them gone but no lower. We also discussed democracy and what it means. When I go voting with my Mum the man gives us a sweet so I think Everyone should do that!

We read the fourth or fifth part of the NOTENUF story. ( I lost count ) We read about how the captain was getting old and how she wanted to retire. How lots of other people wanted the job and then how someone at the back said "Lets vote!" Then how the captain said " Meet back here next week and think carefully about your vote but remember to keep it anonymous. Next week they came back and they had sort of split into seperate tribes. Each one for each candidate.

We have started to prepare things for trading next week. This means we should be ready to trade next week on Friday or Monday and finally start to earn whatever your currency is and not just pay tax.

Our currenecy has been made and annoyingly we have started to pay tax! But this also meant we could make a start on buying licenses, desks, chairs and paper.

We also got into our business groups and filled out business plans that asked our starting price, what were going to sell and what our business name will be.