Today the forensics are studying how bees die after they sting you

but we have a message from one of the forensics

Bees can sting bees can sting

they sting you till you sing

but have no fair they drop down there

still have know fair their sting

is here they drop down dead

dont step on them it won't be nice.

the end

A honeybee will sting when it perceives a threat to its hive, but when it’s away from the hive foraging, it will rarely sting unless someone steps on it or handles it roughly. And when it does sting, it dies. A honeybee’s stinger is made of two barbed lancets. When the bee stings, it can’t pull the stinger back out. It leaves behind not only the stinger but also part of its digestive tract, plus muscles and nerves. This massive abdominal rupture is what kills the bee.

Here is a poem about bees