viking longships

How Longships Are Made:

The longships are built with

strong wood. The longships

have mini shields covering

the sides of the ship. Wives,

daughters and servant girls

sewed the sail together with

sheep wool and tar make it stronger

also blood for colour.

Fun Facts:

They were the fastest boats around in them days. The vikings could fit up to

50-60 vikings in the ships.The ships had ether

dragon heads or

a snake head on the front and back to scare the people away.

What Ships were Used For:

Ships were used for raiding

in battle, taking over Britian

and other country's and

destoying them.

How They Traveled:

They traveled by

the wind that blows

the sail so that the

longships move . The

faster the wind blows

the faster the ship goes.

If the wind is'nt strong enough

they had to use ours.