1. Jack has 120 sweets. Half of them are strawberry flavoured and the rest are lemon. He has eaten 1 quarter of the strawberry ones and none of the lemon ones. He gives 1 third of the sweets to his friend. How many does he have now?

2. Chloe is thinking of a number. It is even and a multiple of four, between one and thirty. The tens digit is 2. What numbers could Chloe be thinking of?

3. Rosie has a sack of 74 potatoes. Half of them are fresh and one quarter have gone hard. The rest are rotten. How many potatoes (answer in numbers) potatoes were rotten?

4. Cara's school was having a bake sale. She sold brownies for £1.50 each. But it also cost 50p to make the cake. By the end of the sale her profit was 3000p. How many brownies did she sell?

5. A cake recipe has 700g total in it. How many grams/ kg do 8 cakes have in them?

6. Jill needs to earn enough money for a £48 skateboard. She currently has £22. Every week she earns £2. How many weeks will it be until she can afford the skateboard?

7. Sarah left for a trip to the park at 5pm. She came back 2 and a half hours later. What time did she come back?

8. Anna went on a train with 233 people. The next train was full of people who needed to get on the same train as Anna. Those people got on her train. After they got on there was 342 people on the train. How many people got on to the train?

9. Natalia has £60 pocket money right now. She went to the shops and spent £18 on a toy. How much money does she have now?

10.Emily has 20 chocolate chip cookies. She shares them equally with five of her friends. How many biscuits do they get each?