Mount Everest is over

60 million years old.

Everest is 29,035 feet or

8848 meters high.

Mount Everest

is in Asia.

Some animals live in

on Mount Everest.

Mount Evereset is the border in Nepal and China.

Mountain range: Himalayas

In mid May each year, the jet stream

moves north causing the winds the

calm and temperatures to warm

enough for people to try to summit.

In 1865, it was named Mount Everest, after Sir George Everest

Mount Everest is

8848 meters high.

The youngest male to summit

was American Jordan Romero,

age 13 years 10 months, on

May 23, 2010 from the

north side.

282 peoplehave

died on Everest

109 died attempting

to summit without

using supplemental


Mount everest is a

Fold Mountain

(that is a type of mountain.)