What was 'The Blitz'?

The Blitz was the frequent bombing attacks on London and other cities, ports and industrial areas. This took place from September 1940 until May 1941 - the first air aid was on September 7th. Major cities and towns of Britian were being attacked -by the Germans- because they to scare us and damage our factories so that we would surrender.

What damage was caused?

On the night of the first attack, there were an unfortunate amount of fatalities (2000, including young children). Overall, 32,000 people had passed away and 87,000 were seriously injured. Over 2 million houses had been destroyed: this was 60% of the houses in London.

Did you know?

The word 'Blitz' comes from a German word 'Blitzkrieg' meaning lightning war.

Which cities and towns were bombed?

There were several places in Britain (and other parts of the United Kingdom) that had been attacked: Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol, Southhampton, Plymouth, Birmingham, Coventry and Liverpool.

How did civillians protect themselves?

.In the Blitz, during World War 2, people had built anderson shelters in their backgardens which were dug into the ground and made of steel with soil and sand bags above.

.There were public air aid shelters for those who were out of their house and needed a place to hide but they would need an identity card to prove things: their age, where they lived and if they were British. These were usually in train tunnels or underground.

.People could use morrison shelters (which was introduced later on in The Blitz) in their house; they were made of heavy steel and bars around the edge.

.Children were evacuated to the countryside where they would be looked

after by another family whilst their parents stayed at war in the city;

although it was upsetting for the children, it was a relief to be safe.

Morrison Shelter

Interesting Facts

.Three types of weapons were used in the war: H.E. (high explosive), oil

bombs and incendiary bombs (ones that caused fires).

.First of all, the incendiary bombs would be dropped -there would be

roughly 30,000 of these - followed by the high explosive and oil bombs.


Ports - where ships are loaded/unloaded

Industrial areas - an area where there are lots of business'

Fatalities - deaths

Identity - who/what something is

Anderson Shelter


By Amber