Daily Cheswick



3 men mysteriously disappear under strange


By Ronika Sharma

On Sunday 12th May 2019, after days

without light, the lighthouse on Eilean Mor

was appeared to be deserted by the relief

keeper (Joseph Moore).Where are they


The mystery began on the previous

Thursday (19th May 2019) when ships were

not guided by the light from the lighthouse.

Joseph was set to sail out to the island in

a few days.

Due to bad weather, Joseph's trip was

postponed (families were in dismayal when

they heard this news). He set out yesterday,

although he was astonished at the mystery.

"I knew something was wrong as they would

never let the light go out," commented


At approximately 11:15 am, Joseph Moore

arrived at the lighthouse; he found that

the door was unlocked. In addition, he

discovered a worring scene in the kitchen:

an overturned chair, a stopped clock and a

half-eaten meal. The three lighthouse

keepers (Thomas Marshall, James Ducat

and Donald McArthur), were nowhere to be

seen. Where could they have gone?

Moore reported that he was shocked to see such devastating scene.

A week later, on the 19th May, the police and John Pinkerton - the employer of the three men - conducted a thorough search around the proximity. Mor felt confused beacuse he was the last person who shook their hands. "My thoughts and prayers go out to their families."

Following the invenstigation, it has been concluded that the men were swept away by a freak wave. However, some people believe there were ghost ships, alien ships, sea monsters and rowed away boat.