week 2 - currency

This week in year five we were looking in currency.In

lesson 1 we looked at he story again,the food packs

were given out equally and they gave some seeds to grow ;a few people started to swap things. One of the people, in the story, suggested t swap the other mums food and her packet of seeds for their big family sized meal. Most of us thought it was unfair because they wouldn't have any food next year. Once we finished discussing our teacher told us to design our own money. I thought this was harder because I had lots of ides for the flag but when I put it in the flag it didn't look like what I wanted. I thought my classmates was really good because they had really good ideas for the money.

In the second lesson we played monopoly to see how it might work in real life.

At first i didn't know what to do then it became easier to play. it was really fun

to watch ; to really to do it it scary if you use all your money. It was hard ; if you land on someone place what they buy you have to pay.