1) Look after yourself 2) Look after each other 3) Look after nature


We were very excited to commence Forest School with the children in Year 4 this week. Everyone was looking forward to it and thankfully the rain held off and we had a wonderful afternoon together. We hope you enjoy sharing and talking about the photos below. We are sure your child will have lots to tell you about their adventures in Forest School.

This week we were able to explore the boundaries of Forest School and talk about our three 'Forest School Rules'. Can you remember them? We found out why 'Sticky Elbows!!' are so important, played in the mud kitchen, climbed trees and even made a Forest School Passport Bracelet. Some of the children got very muddy in some rather large puddles too!

Thank you to everyone who has sent donations in, we are very grateful.

We look forward to seeing you againnext week at Forest School!

Miss Miah and Mrs Arnold :)


Cheswick Green

Forest School Year 4

Look at the next page to see some more of your pictures