Sea View Pimary use Restorative Practice to make our school a happier place. We cheer up sad children.

When children fall out we use a Restorative Practice card, which has a number of question's; the question's are ...

''what happend?''

''what were you thinking about at the time?'',                          

'what have your thoughts been since?''

''who has been affected by what you did ?''

''in what way have they been affected?''

''what do you think need's to happen next?''.

Resorative Practice trained staff carry around the card every day.

Our school also uses Check-in's and Check-out's which gives you a chance to say how you are feeling at the start of the day and how you are feeling at the end of the day.  If somebody say's they are sad everybody in the class including the teachers try to cheer them up all day.

There was a problem so as a Restorative School we all came together and tried to solve the problem.  We discussed that the car parking was upseting many people.  Through Restorative Practice,goveners,the police, staff, children and the community all came together in a giant problem solving circle.We came up with lots of ideas and we diamond ranked our ideas.The best idea was to put up posters which we have now.

Written by a Year 6 Pupil