Teeth are used to help break down food .Humans form 2 sets of teeth over the course of their lives .The first set(sometimes called baby teeth) features 20 teeth .The second set (sometimes called adult teeth) features 32 teeth .Baby teeth are usually replaced by adult teeth between the ages of 6 and 12. In fact, many professional teams employ nutritionists — people who know a lot about healthy eating — to help players choose the best foods. Processed food has a bad reputation as a diet saboteur. ... These are nutritious choices and can make healthy eating more convenient for busy have a variety of teeth including molars, premolars, canines and incisors .Incisors help bite pieces from food. Canines help hold and tear food apart. Molars help grind food. Teeth are covered in a hard substance called enamel. Teeth are surrounded by gums. Cavities can damage a tooth if left untreated. Braces are often used to help straighten or align teeth. Check out our range of fun tooth facts for kids. Learn about different types of teeth, how many you have, what they do and much more. Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information about human teeth. Sweets are not good for you since they have lots of sugar but they are delicious. Gorrilas do have little fangs

healthy eating with teeth