The adventure of a lifetime

One day Ms. Scarlet found a dead body.At the dinner table there were five suspects.Mr Wadsworth,the owner of the mansion,Ms White the wife of Wadsworth,The Maid who cleans day and night,Mr Plum he is good friends with Ms. Scarlet and Ms. Peacock who believes in ghost and evil spirits.The next day everybody went down to the living room because they heard a creepy sound.Ms Peacock said"It was a ghost".Suddenly the lights flashed all through some rooms.Mr plum said,"Look there!"Its the forbidden room. People say there is ghost in there."So Ms Peacock was brave enough to go first whereas all of the others were too scared to go in.As soon as they went in ,they fell into a prison,only Mr Wadsworth was not in there.The others thought it was quite fishy that Wadsworth helped them escape Wadsworth said "In order to escape, you need to solve my riddle. In the ocean there is a house in the middle of the house,there is a table, in the middle of the table there is a glass. So what is in the middle of the ocean?Ms. Scarlet said "the letter E" Wadsworth said" Correct". So that is how they escaped out of the mansion. Everybody was glad to escape except for Mr. Plum who said." Ha Ha Ha that took you long enough to figure out! The others were confused. So Ms. White asked " What do you mean?"Mr. Plum said "well, this was all part of my plan like I paid Wadsworth to say the riddle. You fell in the prison was a distraction. I was surprised that you knew the answer to that.

Never mind about that.