Q: If you were not a PE teacher, what profession would you have and why?

A: A policeman because I used to watch a TV show called The Bill about police.

Q: If you were a baker, what would you choose to bake and why?

A: Cinnamon swirls, Danishes whatever they are called because I used to have them when I was 5 years old.

Q: Apart from PE, what was your favourite subject at school and why?

A: Drama because I was always moving about and I didn’t like to sit still and I got to do a lot of school shows because of it.

Q: What inspired you to become a PE teacher?

A: I think it’s because I always enjoyed PE in primary and high school and then I went to college and played a lot of football and I thought coaching was what I wanted to do and now I am with you guys.

Q: If you were awarded 5 million pounds, what would you spend it on and why?

A: I would buy a house for me and my family and grandparents and then buy an Astro Turf pitch for the school so we could play all our games at home.

Q: If you were a turtle would you exercise or not be bothered to do anything?

A: If I was a turtle I wouldn’t be bothered I mean they're too slow!

Q: What is your favourite animal and why?

A: A lion because it’s a leader.

Q: If you were to open a shop what would be the food/item you would sell and why?

A: Men’s fashion because I always find myself in men’s fashion shops.

Q: What is your favourite sport to play and watch?

A: Football and Football because I’ve grown up with it all my life and supported Liverpool all my life.

Q: If you were a movie hero who would you be?

A: Green Arrow which is a DC modern Robin Hood. It’s awesome!

Q: What is your favourite ice cream flavour and why?

A: Ben And Jerry’s cookie dough as I’ve had tubs and tubs and I can eat one big tub in about half an hour.

Q: If there was only one food left in the world and 300 people wanted to share it with you what would you do?

A: The food would be popcorn so they’d get one piece each.