Greek Mythical Creatures

In year 6 we have be learning about Greek Myths in English. We have been focussing on Theseus and the Minotaur and have written our own version of it. I have enjoyed this topic because I love learning about all the different mythical creatures and the stories behind it.

Theseus and the Minotaur is a story about the Prince of Athens who was told by his father about the tradegy of Minos where he has send sacrifical humans to King Minos who feeds them to the Minotaur (half bull, half man) to stop the King declaring war on Athens. Theseus is sickened and volunteers to go and slay the Minotaur who leaves in a Labyrinth. Reluctantly the King allows this to happen and Theseus sets off on this mission.

When he arrives Theseus meets Princess Ariadne, who falls in love with him immediately. She decides to help by equipping Theseus with a sword and some string which will help him not to get lost in the maze. Theseus successfully kills the Minotaur and takes Princess Ariadne back to Athens with him. However, on the way back Theseus decides that bringing the Princess was a mistake and leaves her on an island! But the Gods decide to punish Theseus for this act by making him forget to change the sails which meant to be used as a signal for his father to show he was successful. When Theseus father sees the sails have not been changed he commits suicide by jumping off a cliff!!

As part of our learning of this Greek Myth we have decided to create our own Mythical Creature, which is trapped in the labyrinth of our stories:


This creature is half bull half snake. It has 5 maddening heads which shoot out different types of viper. It was created by the evil King Lydra who wanted to use the beast to kill anyone who disagreed with him. It lives in the middle of a labrinyth which is pitch-black. It is as fast as lightening and the venom can kill an army of men with one spit!