Dear Diary,

I just want to be held in my mother’s arms again. A knot is tightening inside my stomach and I know what it is : fear. As I wave goodbye a tear silently strolls down my cheek. My head is filled with questions I simply can not answer. I feel sick. All my feelings and emotions are bubbled up inside me and despite only having been on the train for two minutes I already  I am feeling so afraid I do not want to leave and feel like running right back to them and just be held in my mothers arms.

I look out the window The ugly greyness of London makes me feel sick and I have to stick my head in my sandwich bag to stop myself from being sick all over the seat.

 I must go now Diary, the train has arrived and I don’t know how much longer I can stop myself from crying. Until later, Niamh xxx

Dear Diary,

Back again, I feel awful and Mr and Mrs Shell are truly horrible. They make me eat fish and if I don`t like it I go without dinner. We have to do an awful lot of work and I feel like crying.I wish I could see my parents right now but home feels like a million miles away. The knot in my stomach is tightening and I am drowning in a pool of darkness where I will never see light again.

Bye for now, Niamh xxx