On the Ning Nang Nong

Where the Cows go Bong!

And the Monkeys all say Boo!

There's a Nong Nang Ning

Where the trees go Ping!

And the tea pots Jibber Jabber Joo!

On the Nong Ning Nang

All the mice go Clang!

And you just can't catch'em when they do!

So it's Ning Nang Nong!

Cows go Bong!

Nong Nang Ning!

Trees go Ping!

Nong NIng Nang!

The mice go Clang!

What a noisy place to belong,

Is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!

The reasons why I like this poem is because it is funny,silly and doesn't quite make sense. I like the rhymes and rhythm because it makes it more fun and easy to read.I also liked how Spike Milligan used the same words but in a different order to make the words rhyme with Bong, Ping and Clang.

- Spike Milligan

On the Ning Nang Nong