My Lockdown Memories

by Miss Bains

Everyone knows that I'm not very good at cooking so

I have been trying out different Indian food recipes. Luckily, the

food has turned out yummy...most of the time!

It was my niece's 8th birthday in April but I wasn't able to visit her.

We celebrated with a long chat on the phone and she sent me photos

of her birthday cake!

On sunny days, I've enjoyed played tennis in the garden

and I set myself a skipping challenge. It's much harder than I thought

and I definitely need to keep up the skipping practise.

It's been nice to sit and watch films with my family - Jumanji was really funny!

I have also re-read some of my favourite books. I first read Little Women when I

was a child and I still love it.

I can't wait until I can see you all again.

Maybe you can share some of your lockdown activities with the class!