This weekend, please support your child to safely make their own fruit salad. After making the fruit salad (and eating it!) please help your child to find about how each fruit is grown. You can send us photos of the fruit salad if you wish, via the office email:

Please ask your child to draw, paint or collage their fruit salad and send this in to school on Tuesday 2nd May. We will be using your child’s creations to enhance our healthy café role play area. Next week we will be making a fruit kebab in cooking, using fruit for our addition sums as well as finding out which fruit is Foundation’s favourite. We will also have a fruit feely bag challenge, where the children will be able feel and describe what is in there so that their friends can guess what is inside.

Reminder: We would like to politely remind all parents that if you arrive late to school (after 9am) you will need to take your child to the school office for their registration mark, they will then be brought to their classroom by a member of the office staff.

Oliver's Fruit Salad

Link to Oliver's Milkshake Learning Blog