Wk. Beg. 9/7/18

Shyler Wright

Player of the

Tournament in the

Inter-House Netball.

Yuvraj Singh - KS2 multi skills

and Tag Rugby.

Israel Forsyth

Winner of the Most Improved Yr4 Swimmer Trophy 2018.

Devan & Tia Sonagra

3rd & 4th places

respectively in the

Park View Riding Stables

Dressage competition

The final week of the school year but still a busy sporting week.

On Monday we held our final PE assembly for the year, celebrating lots of sporting achievements.

Year 3 Tri Golf Teams

Yr5/6 Tri Golf Team

Summer Games Bronze medal

Cricket Team

Inter-House Netball Champions - Charnwood

Soar Valley Rounders Festival Winners

Soar Valley Cricket Festival Winners

Summer Games Y3 Tri Golf Team

Prem Damani

First winner of the Barnes Cup for Sporting Values