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Year 3/4 Welcome letter

Dear Parents/Carers

I would like to welcome you all back to school at the start of a brand new year at Blaenymaes. We have a very busy term ahead of us. Our topic this term is the Victorians and we will be learning about how life was different during Victorian times. This will incude a visit to Big Pit and an actor visiting the school to teach us about life in the 19th Century.


Homework will be sent out every Monday to be returned by Friday. This will include weekly spelling lists and reading. There will also be a project to be completed every term at home. Rewards will be given to pupils who return homework every week. Please listen to your child read at least once a week, and comment in the home school link book.


Our PE sessions will be every Monday and Tuesday. Pupils will be required to change into their PE kit, not wear it to school. They will need suitable joggers or shorts,trainers or gym shoes and a t-shirt. No jewellery will be allowed during PE sessions and only one pair of stud earrings to be worn in school.

Attendance and Uniform

Attendance and punctuality are very important. Please can Year 3/4 pupils line up outside the junior hall every morning. At 8.50am, I will collect the pupils from the yard.

· If your child arrives late, they need to go to the office to sign in before comingto class.

· If your child is absent from school please send a note when your child returns toschool or contact the office on 583366.

· We would like all pupils to wear uniform to school – uniform is available topurchase from the office.

Other Information

Fruit can be purchased daily from the fruit tuck shop – 25p per day.

Please visit our class website page to see what we have been up to in class.

I would like to invite you to a welcome meeting on Tuesday 8th September at 2.30pm. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Mr S Tucker