Great Fire of Greenford

Wow!,That was a day that i would never forget it

was a very wet day but you can not belive

how much fun it was.Our amazing year 5

teachers had a great idea my teacher (Mrs

Tigg) said that we have to make a house

but that is not all we have to burn them!So

all playtime Mrs Tigg stuck all the houses

together and she carefully put them on the

floor. Mr Odeesho had a fire extingwisher with

him for the end .Year 5 my class (5AT)

and 5ED stood in a circle around or houses

waiting for the outbreak of the fire. Mrs Tigg

lit Pudding Lanes bakery (were the fire

started) suddenly the fire started,the bakery was on fire the other house and then half of our houses were on fire!!!! The wind was pushing the fire to the left then there was no wind at all so the maze of houses were burning,it took an amazing 15 minutes to burn every single house all that was left was ashes and paper flying everywhere...

The Fire

Making My House

My teacher was very impressed with all our houses that we had made,mine was made out of wood because in those days they never knew there was brick untill King Charles re-built houses in London.Do you know about the plauge in 1666? If not carry on reading,the plauge a very life threatuning diease ( was very commmon anyone who had it had to stay in the house and nobody was allowd to go in or come out and they marked the house with a great big red cross.At night deadcollecters come and collected the dead froms houses then they go to the grave yard and there is no space so they dig holes in patches of garden and put them in there.Did you know the nusery rhyme ,ringa ringa roses a pocket full of poses atisho atisho they all fall down was all about the plauge???

I loved learning about the Great Fire of London and especially the Great Fire of Greenford even though i did not get to see it i saw a video and it was amazing! Thank you to my fantactic teachers (Mrs Tigg,Miss Dodd) who planned all of this it was a great opportunity to see how to Great Fire of London actually was and how people felt.(I was discombobulated that all of the effort