The Land of Magic

Carefully, Joe, Beth and Frannie steadily walk up the wrinkly, bumpy, enormous Faraway tree. Once they reached the top of the tree, they were exhausted because of the towering height they had to climb. The children were always so enthusiastic to see what their next magic adventure would be. Joe and Moon face were very dubious about going to the land however they were extremely joyful!

Joe and Moon face saunter quickly into a green miniscule tent they found. They firmly walked into the tent to find out what’s in there. “I want to find a potion now, to walk on my head!” loudly screamed Joe. “Ok then, we will look for a potion!” Sighed Moon face. (Then, there wish came true!) “Look, there is a wizard with our potion that says “headawalk” yelled Joe! The wise old wizard sternly asked “Would you like this potion?”

“Yes we have been looking all over for it!” happily asked Joe. So the wizard gave it them for free! But as soon as he gave it them, Moon face knocked it over by accident! Then, there was a wizard who came in right at that exact moment and slipped over because Moon face dropped it! The wizard, who slipped over, turned into a green slimy frog! Then all the wizards got silly and did the same thing.

Joe whispered"run, we have got our potion now let’s go”! (They ran as fast as lightning bulb) Eventually, they bumped and stumbled into the magical book of spells in a place of nowhere! Have they found a new place with books that tell you how to use spells? Finally, they were rapidly flicking through pages and eventually they found page”137” and they found how to use their potion called “headawalk”. To use their potion, they had to pour the potion carefully and slowly on their hard, bony head and say how long you wanted it for. Joe and Moon face anxiously cried “Shall we explore more?” “Yes! We should explore more” explained Moon face. Joe and Moon face feel very enthusiastic but at the same time they were dizzy because they were walking on their head…

“I am very dizzy” mentioned Moon face tiredly! (A couple of days later.) Look a shop let’s check it out! Joe muttered. (They walk on their heads steadily with care.) There’s nothing in here how is it a shop? Puzzled Moon face “At the back there is replied Joe there is one potion that says walking back on your feet let’s try it! So, they carefully and slowly pour the tickly potion on the souls of their feet. (They were zapped suddenly by the portal that was in the shop and got them back to the Faraway tree.) “Hang on, where are we? Questioned Joe. I think the shop was a portal replied Moon face. 10 minutes later they got back to the Faraway tree and Beth and the others were having pop cakes and fizzy drinks. Finally, it was evening and it was quiet late so Joe and Moon face told them they had a great adventure and we walked on our heads and told the others they should go there and Joe and Moon face had a terrific time!