One day, in The Magic Faraway Land there were four normal children called Joe, Beth, Frannie and Rick. They were always on adventures everywhere. One day they climbed a magical tree. They new something was wrong with it however they just didn't know what it was! They climbed and climbed it, it at least took then 10 minutes to climb the magical tree!

When they got to the top they were amazed at the glorious sight. They thought it was a dream, there was chocolate everywhere in The Chocolate Land! They wanted to visit everything, they didn't where to start first! Well, they eventually found where they went first. They went into the land and they went into some chocolate shops. They found out that the land was completely full of chocolate! There was chocolate ground, shops, homes and all sorts of chocolaty things! They walked down the chocolate, tasty path and at the end they found a house. They curiously knocked on the door. An old grandad milk chocolate egg answered. We anxiously whispered "Hello who are you?" The chocolate egg replied " I am Grandad egg and this is our family house. Come in and tell us all about yourselves and how you got here!" We said "Well we got here from this magical tree and it can take you to different lands. Today we arrived in this land!" The milk chocolate old egg said,"Would you like to come in then, we have some tea and biscuits here to for us all to share!

They chocolate land every week now and they always slept at the chocolate house and from then on they lived happily ever after! THE END