Hi, Edward here.

Career week was awesome.On Monday we had a guy come in and he told us about his job. He started as a pharmacist at Boots but he wasn't enjoying it so he went on to being a teacher at a school in the same county that he grew up in. He managed to become a headteacher at that same school.

Then on Thursday(at the time of writing this it was yesterday) two people came in. The first person works at a space station but before that he was an investigator and helped the police.He worked in really cold rooms.

The second guy was a marine biologist and he rescued and studied many marine life.He had a favorite type of sponge. On one trip he had a student and the captain fell asleep. The boat crashed into a massive iceberg and the boat had to be repaired.

The last person who came on the Friday(at the time of writing it was today) and she was a lawyer. She was Swedish and she also kept travelling.

That's all for now. Bye.