

Description of Jaguar

How Jaguars swim

Jaguars live in forests and they also tend to always stay near rivers because they can eat food whenever they want. You could once find jaguars all the way from the south-western USA down to the scrublands of central Argentina. Now they're mainly confined to the rainforests of the Amazon basin. It would be easier for the Jaguar to get its food if it lives right next to the river. Jaguars often sleep in the branches of a tree. Jaguars sleep next to trees which are near to rivers because it can also get away from its enemy an anaconda. It can swim away in the river it is next to.

The jaguar is the third biggest cat in the world. They have black spots and short legs, they can also run really quickly. Like them a lot because they have sharp canines which means that it only eats meat like snakes, fish, crocodiles, fogs, eggs, frogs, monkeys and turtles, that shows that it is a carnivore. The type of snake the anaconda is able to defeat a jaguar, so it is the natural enemy but the good thing is that the anaconda is the only enemy of the jaguar. Fact: the jaguar can live up to 12-15 years. Where Jaguars live. You could once find jaguars all the way from the south-western USA down to the scrublands of central Argentina. Now they're mainly confined to the rainforests of the Amazon basin, and in the nearby Pantanal wetlands – less than half of their historic range.

Jaguars are the best swimmers out of all cats, for example a regular cat hates water and does not want to go into it. Jaguars are among the wild cats that like to swim! Some have even been observed swimming across the Panama Canal. The average top speed of the Jaguar is 80 kilometers per hour / 50 mph. They hunt fish, turtles, and even caimans, using their incredibly powerful jaws. Jaguars swim in the river only never in oceans. Jaguars do not go very deep into the river it tries to stay near to surface because it won't be able to stay in the water forever and it also can't have two fish in its mouth so it has to be on surface. A jaguar can not eat in the sea as well. You will mostly see the Jaguar swimming in the amazon River.

where do Jaguars live


Jaguars have one of the most powerful bites in the world. The jaguars an bite with force of 4.939 kilo newton's with there sharp canine teeth that they have. Jaguars are definitely more powerful then a lion because they are extremely powerful for their size and there bite is powerful to. Jaguars will only eat you if it sees you coming to where

it lives.