Microsociety week 6 and 7

In micosociety week 6 and 7 we were discussing about profit and loss because we were starting to trade the things we have been making,we also watched a video explaining about profit and loss.We tried to work out if our company had made a profit or a loss.We tried to keep our company ledger up to date,a company ledger was a sales sheet which was a sheet our team had.Now this is the part I have been waiting for,time to TRADE. This was the fun part because people made really cool stuff to give.My friend did arts and crafts.Some other girls n my class made slime,i brought yellow, blue and pink slime,then I brought my friends clay heart,we also had to pay for it,then I went to my group and sold out all the slime.Th next week we looked at the concept of supply and demand .The we traded,also in my group we didn't sell anything,also we tried to work out if we were making a profit.(my friends made really cool book marks I brought one)

Profit and loss