Autumn 1 Homework

Over the next half term, Year 5 topic homework will be to create a topic project all about Space. To promote taking responsibility for your own learning as you get older, this homework is designed to give a greater choice and to allow you to complete work that interests you. I have given a list of suggested tasks associated with Space. Please choose one of the tasks to complete. This work will be due in on the week commencing 2nd November. Please submit via email.

Don't forget to turn the page for information on the Maths and English homework.

  • Draw or paint several pictures of something Space related (Art).
  • Create a paper mache of one or all of the planets and paint them (Art/DT).
  • Write a diary entry as an astronaut in space (English).
  • Create a cartoon strip about an alien landing on Earth or Doctor Who discovering a new planet (English and Art).
  • Create a fact file about a famous astronomer or scientist (History and English).
  • Collect data on the amount of money spent on Space travel by different countries and present the data in a chart of your choice (e.g. bar graph/pie chart) (Maths).
  • Write a song about Space and record yourself singing it (Music).
  • Carry out a science investigation to record the sun rise and sunset times for 2 weeks. Draw a graph to show this (Science).
  • Create a poster showing the names and relative sizes of the planets in the solar system (Science).
  • Make a 3D model of an item from space (planet, rocket, stars etc.) (DT).

Topic Project Ideas