I am a goldfish that lives in a home aquarium with other different kinds of fish. My name is Goldy and I have a very bright orange colour. I’ve been living here for the past year. Before, I was in a shabby old pet shop.

My owners are very kind and keep us in very clean environment. Their son feeds us every morning before he goes to school. When he looks at me he always tells me that I am his favourite one. I live quite a happy life with my other friends because we play a lot together and have a great time. Our favourite game is catch.

The only problem I have is Gina the Guppy. It pretends that it’s the best one here. It always tries to steal our food and bullies us just because it was the first fish of our owners. We can’t stand her. Last week we managed to pay her back. Actually, human beings call it REVENGE!!

While Gina was sleeping all of us gathered around her and we screamed and she was scared to death.

My dream is to swim in the vast and deep blue ocean but I know it’s not possible because I cannot live in salt water, so I am enjoying life here.