The Balkans

The Turkish Empire in the Balkans collapsed:

Nationalist interests became clear when the new aggressive nation of Serbia clashed with Austria.

Austria and Russia clashed because they both wanted more power in the Balkans.

The System of alliances:

Two opposing groups had grown up by 1914, believing that a 'balance of power' would prevent war:

The Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (1882).

The Triple Entente of France, Russia and Great Britain (1907).

The War had five phases:

The War of Movement (August‒September 1914)

The Germans invaded France, but were stopped at the Battle of the Marne (September 1914).

The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) helped to stop the Germans at the Battle of Mons (23 August 1914)

The Russians invaded Germany but were destroyed at the Battle of Tannenberg (August 1914)

The Race to the Sea (September‒November 1914)

On the Western Front, both sides dug a 400-mile line of trenches from Switzerland to the English Channel.

Stalemate (1915)

There was a stalemate (neither side could defeat the other).

On the Western Front, attacks on the German trenches led to huge casualties.

Britain's attempt to open up a 'Second Front' at Gallipoli in Turkey was a failure.

The War of Attrition (1916‒1918)

The two sides simply tried to wear each other down:

Huge battles, eg. Verdun and the Somme in 1916, Passchendaele in 1917, lasted many months. Millions of men died or were wounded.



Why World War One Started

Continued from next page

Map Of Europe & Who Was Involved.

Britain & Germany Timeline

Causes Of WW1

What Weapons & Technology used in WW1?


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