Dear Diary,

Today I was in disguise because Me and Ottoline wanted to find out what was happening. When I entered in I saw a few dogs with hats on their head and bones in there mouth. They were playing cards and when they saw me they looked weirded out but one of the dogs said "Hello, who may you be?" I didn't answer I just waved. All the dogs looked at the Yellow Cat The dogs a look and they gave me a warm welcome so I I got to play cards with them For a long time. I got a full house So I won and they were all good sports said well done.You're very quiet aren't you" called the lapdog. I just ignored him and just sat in my chair. "Leave him alone he has been here for only five minutes!" shouted the yellow cat. She told us to go to bed but the bed didn't look very comfortable. I pretended to go to sleep but I had one eye open and the cat got in a black costume and left.