1) Why did you want to start teaching at St George's?

A) I had previously heard great things about this school and that the children here were very well-behaved and polite.

2) Why do you like teaching?

A) I like to teach because when the children haven't experienced a subject before, I like to teach them it so they are full of new knowledge.

3) Did you teach at a different school before, if so which one?

A) Yes I did. It was at St John Fishers in Perivale.

4) What is your favourite subject to teach and why?

A) My favourite subject to teach is art because the children can be very creative. We can also have lots of fun doing it together.

5) Which book would you advise the year one students to read?

Which one is your favourite?

A)I would choose 'A squash and a squeeze.' I would recommend this because it's a very good rhyming book. I would also recommend it

because it has a very special message behind it to be grateful for what you have; don't ask for more than you actually need.

6) Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?

A) I actually just got back from Australia because that's where I wanted to go. I went last year and I travelled to the place I really wanted to go to.

7) What were your talents as a child?

A) My talent as a child was horse riding, I used to do a lot of it. Unfortunately, I don't do it anymore, but that was my favourite when I was younger.

8) If you could do anything with your life what would it be and why?

A) When I was younger, there were two things I wanted to be: a teacher or a zookeeper. I'm already doing the teaching but I wanted to be a

zookeeper because I love animals. I would also like to help them if they were in danger.

9) If you were a friend of Tenzing Norgay what would be the first thing you'd tell him after he climbed Mount Everest, and why?

I would say well done and congratulate him. Then I'd ask if he'd ever do it again and what he saw from the top.

10)If you were on a desert island and you could only bring three things what would they be and why?

I would take sun cream so I don't get burnt, a horse so I can go exploring and a lifetime supply of chocolate.

Interview conducted by cool polar bear & super girl.