European Week For Waste Reduction

The idea behind this week, is to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

There are various ways in which we can contribute.

Instead of buying water in plastic bottles,

we can buy a stainless steel bottle and refill it with water.

At home, we can install a Reverse Osmosis to avoid buying water in plastic bottles.

Plastic cups, can be replaced by reusable ones and plastic straws can be replaced by bamboo straws which are all natural and reusable.

Some of the food waste like teabags, fruit peels, extra veggies can be

kept in a container in your own yard and let it ferment until it turns into compost. Compost can be used as fertilizer for nourishing plants and trees.

There are millions of ways how we can help reduce waste, all we need to do is stop and think before buying or throwing away things.