Microsociety- The Simulation No.1

Oh gosh. It's here. The Simulations are here and,boy, I do have quite the story to tell! Before I begin any bit of this, I would like to say please do read my other blogs. It will make you understand what/why I am writing. If you do like my blogs, comment BELOW. Right, let's crack on!

If you were listening to what I said in my other blog, I don't remember, then you all probably know I am doing a lottery, and if you paid even more attention, you know my friend, I'll just call him Hunter, was doing a Daily news. Anyways............

Before Wakatania starts microsociety, we salute our flag. Demonstation shown:


Then , it is ON.

I started well. How well you ask? OUR FIRST CUSTOMER WAS THE HEAD OF STATE. He was asking us, Are you Done? all the time. I couldn't resist a smile. We had a lot, A LOT of customers- around 12-15 people came in a thirty minute simulation. Our teacher's business was a real attraction. It was betting money. Sounds like gambling? IT IS. My business was cheap and likeable. And you would win three quarters of the money that you paid for all the tickets in total.Good deal isn't it? Hunter forgot his newspapers so he assisted me. He did okay. OKAY. Then, Mr Torres came.... He wanted all the tickets. We told him,''Sorry sir''(I didn't mean it) max. tickets bought is three so SEEYA. Just then, WHOOP. It was over. It wwas done. Our first simulation. finished. And I was okay on money. It was the best. THE END.

Question Of The Day: What job would you have in microsociety?

See ya next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!