Year 2 Homework

Homework Given - 19.2.24

Homework Returned by - 26.2.24

Year 2 we are looking to develop a “Loose Parts area” in our

class for you. Loose parts can be anything from objects found in nature like

stones, sticks and acorns, or manufactured items like buttons, cotton reels,

bolts and recycled materials.

We need your help!

Your homework this week is to have a look around your house and ask grown-ups if there

are any items we could use in school that you no longer use or need in our new

area. I have included some ideas below of the thing we are looking for:

·  Buttons

·  Bottle tops (we really need these if you could

save your milk tops for us)

·  Yogurt pots

·Cotton reels


·Old picture frames
