
Enterprise is where you practice being an adult. It trains you for your future. You must earn money, sell your products and pay the people who have the higher positions in the society Everyone has a role in the community. E.g. Banker, Prime minister, police officer, Judge; ect. These are the people who help our society be fair. There are many more who have much more important roles like teachers who may not earn as much as a Judge, or a Prime Minister. Even though they play an equally important role in our society. This is one of the dissapointing parts of our society. Teachers must look after many, many children, teach them, tolerate with them when they aren't behaving or listening and encourage them to keep pushing on even if the teachers feel like screaming and tearing some of the children into shreds. I know I would. They also must read children's messy handwriting. Not to mention talking to them and repeating words over and over again. Shouldn't they get payed just as much as a Prime Minister? If I were allowed, I'd start a campainge for teacher's salary. Demanding that they get payed Wouldn't you if you respected or admired your teachers?

We all decided our roles. Then we elected who our Prime Minister would be by writing someone's name on a post it note. Guess what... I WON! I was shocked when Miss Edwards said that I would be Prime Minister. ME! Next week we will do more about our currency and the jobs that people got.