Week 5


Deomcracy is a System ruled the by law. It is a greek word originally and this is

the meaning of it: demos means people and kratos means rule. It is government ruled by the people.

We are now moving onto NOTENUF. The captain got too old so she wanted to retire but she did not know how to choose another captain and they shouted pick me pick me and she did not know how to decide.

A group of people got to count money so we can get our business started for the session and were starting of with a grand total of 180 Waks so we can get our business going.

I am a policeman so I do not have a business plan.

In our next session we be to start trading dum dum dum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Find out next to see what happens. Bye for now see you on Friday.