Thoughts for the Week

Monday 30th March

I wanted to send a message to you all to say how proud I am of all the children and staff of Cheswick Green Primary School.

You are all amazing!

I have been seeing lots of photographs of all the great things you are doing at home.

Keep up the good work.

Well done to all your Mums and Dads too!

Please remember that you are all part of Cheswick Green Primary School even if you are working at home.

I would love to hear from you on my blog. Tell me about what you have been doing at home.

Which work are you enjoying most?

How are you exercising?

Your teachers are there to help you if you need any advice or support.

Keep looking at the blogs. We all love to read your comments because we all miss you and being at school.

Take care of each other 

My very best wishes

Miss Mason