You are invited to.....Year 5's Romeo and Juliet production!

About show

Get ready for the ultimate Shakespeare show. Year 5 are performing the heart-breaking show Romeo and Juliet.Get comfortable beacause you are in for one GREAT show.Taking place at the Talesin.

Date and time

The date of this awesome show is November 17th 2016. It takes place at the talesin!!

NOTE: The show is at 7pm -9pm. Don't come if that is past your bed time.

To fill you in on the story

Once there was two families. They were called the Montagues and the Capulets. They lived right next to each other. BUT..... THEY HATE EACH OTHER. The Capulets have a daughter called Juliet. The Montagues have a son called Romeo. They love each other. Their parents hate that. They got married secretley. One day the Capulets planned a party. Romeo wanted to sneak in with a friend. On the night of the party,Romeo disguised himself

with a friend called Mercutio.Romeo spotted someone. Tybalt. Juliets evil cousin. Tybalt said '' Oiy Romeo! FIGHT. NO TYBALT said Romeo. You will see more in the show! Bye!