My Show and tell Shaun Farrugia 6.1 red 9/11/2020

My show and tell was about my dog Troy. He is 3 years old, in January 21st he will be 4. He likes to sleep on our beds. When the nights are cold he tries to get under the covers so he can be nice and toasty. He likes to have breakfast with my dad in the morning my mum gets his bowl on the table and fills it with a couple of treats. So while my dad eats his toast my dog eats his treats next to my dad. My dog loves to play! He enjoys playing fetch at the church's parking lot with his tennis ball. He also enjoys running around our house's corridor from one end to the other. He is so energetic! He always wants to snuggle and play with us. When we walk into a room he is in he starts to wag his tail. And he enjoys jumping from one bed to another in my sister's room. Anyway there is a lot more to know about my dog...but it won't fit in this writing!