What if a scary story came true? It was late at night and the campers were ready to tell some spooky stories. And where better to tell them, of course in the middle of a forest and that's exactly where they were.

Luke was up first. He was reading a story about a zombie. He was halfway in, when he went to get his water bottle from his shed. The other campers were sitting there until...

A big zombie came walking through a bush. He was yelling gibberish. All the campers were panicking because they thought it was real. But some of the campers stayed there.

The campers started to connect the dots. First, Luke was telling a story about a zombie, then when he goes back to his cabin the zombie came. And with all those pieces of evidence, they concluded that Luke was the zombie!

They went confronting the zombie and ripped off his face. under the costume was Luke. Luke started laughing as the other campers got out of their cabins. they started to get mad at Luke and then Luke started to feel bad for them and from that moment Luke never made a nasty trick like that again.

A Scary Story!