Through the misty morning, the sun rose to brighten the pathway with

a golden shine. Sky diving off the trees, the leaves fell off as the branches were shaken by the wind. Pushed by the wind, the leaves form a pile just to be blown away again.

People clambered through the leaf-less forest, as animals scrambled across the pathway. A golden shine gleamed through the forest as a little robin chimed like bells. Little birds settled in their nests waiting for their parents to arrive with food. breaking into the rocky hills, the forest trees started whispering to one another.

Early in the morning at sunrise, an old, home-less man stumbled down a dusty pathway. Panting for water, the frail man held a heavy back-pack. A rusty old cap laid on his head and he sighed with exhaustion as he searched for water. Completely oblivious to the outside world, the old man carried on strolling down the pathway.