World War 2

The London Blitz

In the first half-term we researched World War 2; We watched a film about life in London during the blitz and looked at a map of where the bombs fell in London and we found out that Laycock street was not bombed but many of the streets around Islington were.

This half-term we have been using minecraft to learn about how it felt to be in the London blitz in 1940.

We built a London street, we split into groups and each group made a house. When we had finished the scaffolding was removed and we finished off our houses before World War 2 started.

The experience was fun and made me think what life was really like for someone in WWII. I was in Group 1 and we built 6 houses with 1 garden growing potatoes, carrots and other vegetables and fruit. My house was bombed 3 times. At the end of the experience,where my house once was is now a large pile of rubble. I had to move in with someone else.

One time, on the way to the supply centre, I got killed about 10 times. Then, it would not allow me to get back on land. So, I was free to be a evacuee [ for about 12 seconds]. I enjoyed it a lot it.