Minecraft is for all children's ages young, medium and teenager.

Minecraft is a game that gives you two choices: Gather resources and instantly start building a house or gather some tools and explore Minecrafts outer world.

Mobs and biomes

It also contains different types of animals like, cows, pigs, horses, sheep and tameable wolfs. Minecraft also has many biomes in it to make exploring more fun. Minecraft has much more things like ore and different types of wood and mobs like zombies, big spiders, skeletons and a couple more enemies to be aware of. Villagers are people who sell items that are usually sold for a fair price. Minecraft has also got loads of skins and textures that you can wear and use to make it a bit realistic.

Ores, weapons and unique items

Ores can be turned into valuable items like diamonds, gold, iron, coal and emeralds.

Diamonds can be turned into extremely powerful weapons like a pickaxe or sword.

Iron can be turned into powerful weapons too but are not as powerful as diamond weapons.

Stone is slightly weaker and can break quicker than other materials.

Gold is not very powerful and breaks quickly.

Wood is the weakest of them all and will break in a matter of minutes however wood is the easiest material to get hold of and is useful for building houses.

Coal is a very useful item if you have a furnace because you need it to cook food or smelt items like sand.

Cooked food is good for keeping your hunger bar full because if you have no food in your hunger bar you will slowly start to lose health and starve to death instead of being killed.

Smelting sand can be a good for getting glass and with glass you can make potions and water bottles.

Emerald's can be very hard to find but don't bother looking for them because they are pretty useless except for trading with villagers.

Rare lightning effects

Lightning can cause some weird effects to villagers and pigs. If a villager is struck by lightning (which is rare) they will turn into a witch which causes them to become extremely dangerous when you come too close to them. A pig turns into a pigman which also causes them to become dangerous.