Quintin Bonett P 6.2


Recycle paper and plastic

Recycling is great for the environment because it means that less products need to be produced.Like plastic,it is very harmful to the environment but if we buy a plastic bottle and recycle it,it will be turned to another plastic bottle and so on.A simple deed like recycling a plastic bottle,could save the environment and animals.You could save animals that live in water by recycling too.This is caused by fish mistake plastic for food or prey and eat it.Unfortunately some people don't know the importance of recycling and the plastic they throw away kills fish and other marine life.Eventually this may backfire though.The same fish which get caught in the plastic may end up in a dish that we all love to eat.

Paper wasting makes a big change to the environment because,paper comes from trees,but now people are cutting down trees without thinking of the side affects of not having any trees are.For instance trees take in the polluted air around us and purify it to the fresh air we all love to breathe.We need to recycle paper to save the trees and save ourselves!