Ancient Egyptians

In Ancient Egyptian times people use to think children were adults at a very young age,but the children still had fun.Archaeologist have found evidence of toys like balls spinning tops and more.The adults played games too.The adults played board games the most popular board games were Senet and Mehen.

Did you know

the river nile

is the longest

in the


The Ancient Egyptians thought by mummifying the person when they were dead the body would not be rotten for the afterlife.First the embalmers [the people that mummify the dead person] wash the body in palm wine and water from the River Nile.Then,they got a hook and pushed it in the nose and break the brain into pieces.Next,they cut a slit on the left side of the body and take all the organs out (intestines,stomach,liver and lungs) but they leave the heart in place.Afterwards they put the organs in canopic jars that are protected by the four gods.Next they put the body in natron salt for forty days.After forty days the embalmers stuffed the body with sawdust or cloth and sweet smelling herbs so that the body is in shape.Then, they put some ointment and resin on the body so it doesn't rot.Next, they wrap linen bandages on the body.Finally,they put the body in a wooden coffin or a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.

The most famous pharaoh is Tutankhamun because an

archaeologist called Howard Carter found his tomb it was

discovered on November 1922.