Ar ôl clywed yr hanes am Iesu’n golchi traed ei ddisgyblion, cafodd y plant gyfle i feddwl am ystyr y geiriau ‘brenin’a ‘gwas’, amser i feddwl am wahanol fathau o bobl a thrafodaeth am bwysigrwydd lliwiau porffor ac aur yn ystod adeg y Pasg. Nesaf aeth y grŵp mas yndroednoeth i gerdded trwy hambwrdd enfawr o baent ac ymlaen i adael olion traed i greu delwedd ar raddfa fawr o’r groes. Yna buodd y plant yn golchi eu traed gyda’i gilydd. Yn y diwedd, aeth pawb ati i dorri amlinelliad troed ar bapur lliwgar ac i ysgrifennu eu syniadau ar sut y gall dilynwyr Iesu ofalu am eugilydd heddiw a dilyn esiampl Iesu Grist.

After hearing the story of Jesus washing his disciples' feet, the children had an opportunity to think about the meaning of the word 'king' and 'servant', time to think about different types of people and discussed the importance of the colours purple and gold during Easter. Next, the group went out to walk barefoot through a huge tray of paint and left footprints to create a large-scale image of the cross. The children then washed each other’s feet. In the end, everyone went on to cut a foot outline onto colourful paper and wrote their ideas on how the followers of Jesus could care for each other by following the example of Jesus Christ.

Brenin sy’n Was / Servant who is King