Exhausted, the 3 children, Joe, Beth and Frannie joyfully climbed the colossal Faraway Tree. As soon as they got half way, Dame Washalot threw down her water ferociously, and as a result, Beth got soaked! “Aah!” screamed Beth. Moonface heard all the commotion and brought the children inside. “It’s the land of the fast food castle today!” Moonface happily informed the children.Excitedly, Joe raced up the towering tree and the others followed rapidly. When they arrived at the fast food castle, they immediately started eating the yummy junk food which was available such as, jammy doughnuts and beefy burgers. Meanwhile, Moonface, Silky and Saucepan Man all split up so they could explore the land. In a flash and without any notice two burger guards arrested the children for 10 weeks! “What’s going on?” yelled Joe.

“You’re going to jail!” declared the first burger. Joe, Beth and Frannie all tried to pull away from the nasty officers but it was no use.

All of a sudden, Joe, Beth and Frannie all were thrown into the chocolate chip dungeon. Worried, Moonface, Silky and Saucepan Man were all wondering where Joe, Beth and Frannie were. “Where are we?” cried Beth “why have they arrested us? We haven’t done anything!”Luckily, Moonface had put a tracking neckless on Frannie which meant he was able to find out where they were. In an instant, there was a cry from nowhere. “HELP! HELP!” Moonface heard the cry. It sounded like it was coming from the Fast Food dungeon! Moonface, Silky and Saucepan Man all rushed to find the poor children.

After a long 10 minutes, they found Joe, Beth and Frannie tied up in the tiny dungeon. Moonface, Silky and Saucepan Man all eagerly entered to rescue Joe, Beth and Frannie. Then because the walls were made of Fast Food they were able to eat through the wall. When they came out they raced into this fantastic shop where you ask for any Fast Food you wish you get it straight away. Joe asked “please may I have some Fish and Chips?”

“can I have a Burger?” added Beth “please can I have a pizza” squealed Frannie. Politely “the Food is really yummy” chewed Beth. So after that they go down the pointy creaky ladder, but someone had changed the signs so the good sign was facing the bad way and the bad sign was facing good way, but Frannie chose the wrong way. Frannie nearly walked into a pot of larva but the the rest went to have at Moonface house.

Frannie was screaming “Help Help” it was louder than you expected. Joe heard the screaming and followed the screaming. They recognised the voice it sounded like Frannie “Frannie Frannie” screamed Moonface, there was no reply it was just an echo. Frannie was slipping rocks were falling but because Joe and Moonface went to the land of dreams they got the UFO so they were able to fly into the dilemma. Thankfully they saved Frannie and took her to a safe landing.